Director of the Research Centre for International Policy, Cuba
2023-12-21 17:43


Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed colleagues. First of all, many thanks to all organizers of this magnificent event. We have felt at home. The Belt and Road Initiative was launched at a time when the world was still partially recovering from the consequences of the world's economic and financial crisis in the last century, which began in 2008.



These days also coincided with a change in the pattern of Chinese-guided investment in geographical destinations, particularly in Latin America. Far from hegemonic pretensions of the post war merchant plan, the Belt and Road Initiative will begin to occupy the spaces left empty by repeated failures of neoliberal globalization, especially in those countries where opening their economies completely did not mean achieving the development objective they have set themselves.



In its theoretical statement,BRI presented itself as an open practice guided by the principle of high consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits,its approach is distinguished by its inclusive nature, allowing the entry of all countries that are motivated to join in order to promote collaboration and development based on a pragmatic win-win approach.



In all these years of implementation, there has not been a documented case in which the Peoples Republic of China has imposed political conditions on any of the participants. Ten years after its founding at a time when humanity is moving towards a new order or like thereof, and when several multilateral consultation groups are trying to articulate new linkages, BRI continues to represent a different integration proposal and a new model for international relations.



It is a project that focuses on building new channels of cooperation and trade between countries, in which the values of south-south cooperation, shared gains, respect for the development models of each country, non-interference in the international affairs of all the states and the dialogue of civilizations predominate. Its vision is consistent with the latest changes within the so called BRICS-plus group just a few months ago and also with the declaration approved by the South summit held in Havana last September.



Ten years after the existence of the belt and Road Initiative, it can be affirmed that African, Asian and Latin American countries that has been ignored by the main investment funds, or those countries that suffer the greatest indebness as a result of failed projects of the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund, has been incorporated into it.



BRI was questioned and challenged by United States and some members of the European Union who have tried to present the Asian nation's progress as a new threat to humankind and have tried to counteract the space lost to Beijing in terms of productivity and efficiency from a political point of view. As happens in projects of this magnitude, experiene that did not appear in the initial purposes has been gradually incorporated, as is the case of space, culture and health.



Related to this of a special interest in the conditions of recovery from the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic during which humankind lost millions of its inhabitants and possibly a similar number, who could never have a test, could not get to a political post, or did not have the resources to enter a medical facility and therefore appear in the official records.



The health sector is one of those areas in which Cuba can offer its greatest contribution for the growth of BRI and the benefit of humanity as a whole. These contributions in general are concentrated in the training of human resources under the principles of the Cuban School of Medicine, training in preventive practices and systems, the conception of action protocols that respond to specific development, integration of information and treatment systems, and finally, for the production and administration of biotechnological products for human, animal and plant health.



For Cuba, a developing country subjected to a cruel economic, financial and commercial blockade by the United States, it is of the utmost importance to deepen ties with the initiative. In this sense, we consider essential the role that can be played by various research centers or syndicates within the respective countries and regions, to identify issues and generalize the sources already achieved. The work of these centers can also contribute to the achievement of fellows based on the complementarity of specific sectors of the countries or through the outsourcing of sector efforts.



Just a few days ago, the center I lead signed a memorandum of understanding with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, whose objectives include identifying a joint developent project that will enable our decision-makers to introduce proposals that could be eventually part of the BRI or be developed bilaterally.



During our stay in Beijing, we are expanding our links with other Chinese centers as well. Dear colleagues,the Belt and Road Initiative is presented today as the alternative to build a just, inclusive and sustainable world. Together with the other three global initiatives currently being promoted by China, it contributes to the realization of the dream of building a community of shared destiny for human kind.



The terms of trade and its own dynamics, so different from those proposals that have led international society to recurrent unstable and fragile situations, are its best arguments. It is not a coincidence that it has been so warmingly and widely welcomed.



It remains for us as scholors to study and formulate proposals to expand people to people exchange and international cooperation within the framework of this laudable initiative. Before I finish, allow me to mention the importance of the eight points stated today by President Xi Jinping in the morning.



It seems that once again, China is travelling into the future to return to the present to let us know what will happen for sure. thank you very much.