Member of the European Council on Foreign Relations
2023-12-21 18:17


While often discussed in terms of infrastructure development and economic cooperation, the BRI also plays a much larger role in the broader vision of building a human community with a shared future.



The world is in a period of turbulence and transformation. You see that in Ukraine, which has consumed all the attention, all the interest in Europe, where I come from. And you see now what is happening in Israel. If anything, the crisis seems to be on an even larger, bigger dimension than the Ukraine crisis. We see what happens today. But we may be on the verge of a regional war. Rivalry and competition between major countries is escalating. The geopolitical situation is becoming more and more tense every day.



The BRI encourages cultural exchange by bringing together people from diverse backgrounds. As countries collaborate on various projects, the hope is that they can exchange ideas, traditions, experiences. And this cultural interaction will help build mutual understanding and appreciation between different societies and different civilizations.



A dialogue of civilizations is conceivable if we work for it. By collaborating on development projects, countries can find peaceful solutions to regional disputes and conflicts. The BRI offers a platform for diplomacy and conflict resolution, contributing to global stability and the prevention of war. And the prevention of war is a fundamental aspect of a shared human future.



The BRI, while being an economic and infrastructure endeavor, plays a significant role in shaping a human community with a shared future. It promotes connectivity, cultural exchange, environmental sustainability, political cooperation and international collaboration. At a time when global challenges require collective action, the BRI's vision aligns with the aspirations of a more interconnected and a more harmonious world. The BRI's sheer scale and complexity involve interactions with a wide array of nations, each with its own cultural norms, values and communications source.



Understanding and adapting to these cultural differences is crucial for fostering positive relationships and achieving mutual beneficial outcomes and I would point out 3 areas where this is of fundamental importance. Cultural sensitivity is vital in cross cultural communication. Chinese government, Chinese officials and businesses and workers involved in the BRI must be mindful of local customs, traditions and values. Understanding the significance of different gestures, different languages, different taboos, different cultures can help in building trust and communication.



Second, different countries have diverse legal and regulatory frameworks. Understanding the legal intricacies, the regulatory requirements of each country is essential for ensuring a successful initiative and mitigating risks. And finally, the ability to adopt and be flexible in cross cultural interactions is a key factor.



This includes accommodating differences in business practices, in work schedules, in communicating styles. It is an ambitious and challenging project to bring cultures together in full respect for their differences and their identity. I will finish by congratulating the BRI on its 10th anniversary and we all look forward to seeing how the initiative will further development, further change, further evolve in the next decade. Thank you very much.